Vehicle crash data is data that may be stored in the vehicle’s safety system after a crash. It is one of the most important pieces of evidence to be collected and evaluated as part of a vehicle crash investigation. The crash data is unbiased, proven, accurate and defensible. When examined along with other available physical evidence from the crash, the vehicle crash data can provide a much clearer understanding of what happened before, during and after the crash.
Whether you are working with insurance, law enforcement or private practice reconstruction, the vehicle’s crash data can assist in your accident reconstruction and help you to better understand many of the elements that may have led up to the crash, including vehicle speed, braking, seat belt status, steering input, delta-v, any many other data parameters as recorded by the vehicle in question.
Crash Data Group, Inc. is the North American product distributor of the Bosch CDR Tool product line. Below is a complete list of available Bosch CDR hardware and software available for purchase.
113 products